Computer science focuses on the development and testing of software and software systems. It involves working with mathematical models, data analysis and security, algorithms, and computational theory.
The administration of a business includes the performance or management of business operations and decision-making, as well as the efficient organization of people and other resources to direct activities towards common goals.
Lawyers are typically in high demand, and the profession offers a high degree of job security and stability. The financial rewards of a career in law can also be significant, with many lawyers earning high salaries and benefits.
People who choose to go on this career path and become architects will do more than design buildings, offices, and structures. They will design homes, they will design places where people live, work, laugh, and spend most of the time.
Pursuing actuarial science and clearing a few papers can provide you with a strong foundation in quantitative analysis and statistical modelling, which are highly valued skills in the field of data analytics.